
Our attorneys regularly present at the annual and nationally renowned Employment Law Institute and Labor & Employment Law Institute. In connection with those and other events, our attorneys have published an array of material analyzing legal and policy developments as well as evaluating the latest litigation strategies.

Our attorneys also author articles featured in national symposia, prestigious law journals, and other prominent legal sources. A sample of the publications are below:


  • "The National Labor Relations Act," in The Employment Law 60: The 60 Cases Every Employment Lawyer Must Know Inside And Out (2024) (with Brandon Vaca)
  • "Special Considerations In Unionized Workplaces," in Hiring Handbook, 3rd Edition (Susan K. Fitzke et al., eds. 2024)
  • "Anti-Discrimination, Anti-Retaliation, And Anti-Harassment Provisions Under Disability Law," in The ADA Handbook: Employment Practices Under Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act, 2nd Edition (Carl C. Lehmann, et al., eds. 2020)
  • "Special Considerations In Unionized Workplaces," in Hiring Handbook, 2nd Edition (Susan K. Fitzke and Margaret Luger-Nickolai, eds. 2019)
  • "Judicial Control And Sanctions," in Federal District of Minnesota Civil Practice Deskbook, 2nd Edition (David R. Crosby and Mary E. Schwind, eds. 2017)
  • "The National Labor Relations Act," in The Employment Law 60: The 60 Cases Every Employment Lawyer Must Know Inside And Out (2014)
  • "Special Considerations In Unionized Workplaces," in Job Applicant Screening: A Practice Guide (Susan K. Fitzke and Margaret Luger-Nickolai, eds. 2014)
  • "Judicial Control And Sanctions," in Federal District of Minnesota Civil Practice Deskbook (David R. Crosby and Mary E. Schwind, eds. 2014)
  • "Anti-Discrimination, Anti-Retaliation, And Anti-Harassment Provisions Under Disability Law," in The ADA Handbook: Employment Practices Under Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (Carl C. Lehmann, et al., eds. 2013)
  • "Overcoming Obstacles To Prosecuting Employment Discrimination Claims In The Twenty-First Century," in Inside The Minds: Representing Employees In Discrimination Cases (2012)
  • "The Law Against Harassment" and "The Law Against Retaliation," in Employment Law Handbook, 5th Edition (Judith K. Schermer, ed. 2008)

Law Journals

  • "Toward Systemic Equality: Reinvigorating A Progressive Application Of The Disparate Impact Doctrine," 43 Mitchell Hamline L. Rev. 102 (2017) (with Beth Belle Isle)
  • "The Promise Of The Minnesota Human Rights Act Denied: Kreuger v. Zeman Construction Company," 4 Mitchell J. L. & Prac. 4 (2011) (with Leslie Lienemann)
  • "The Law Of The Land In Labor Arbitration: The Impact Of 14 Penn Plaza LLC v. Pyett," 25 ABA J. of Lab. & Emp't L. 159 (2010) (with Nicole Blissenbach)
  • "ERISA Reform In A Post-Enron World," 39 Marshall L. Rev. 563 (2006) (with Meg Luger-Nikolai)
  • "Invigorating Labor: A Human Rights Approach In The United States," 19 Emory Int'l L. Rev. 1 (2005)
  • "Taking The Fork In The Road," 29 Mitchell L. Rev. 1069 (2003)
  • "Housing Matters: Why Our Communities Must Have Affordable Housing," 28 Mitchell L. Rev. 197 (2001)
  • "Refashioning The Disparate Treatment And Disparate Impact Doctrines In Theory And In Practice," 41 Howard L.J. 455 (1998)
  • "Recasting Fair Share: Toward Effective Housing Law And Principled Social Policy," 14 Law & Ineq. 339 (1996)
  • "The Thorny Path To Thornhill: The Origins At Equity Of The Free Speech Overbreadth Doctrine," 105 Yale L.J. 1671 (1996)

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