» harassment

Supreme Court continues trend of ruling for employees in retaliation cases

The Supreme Court just decided a landmark case, Lawson v. FMR, concerning whether the law protecting employees of public companies also protects employees of private corporations. The law at issue is the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which Congress enacted in… Read More

Employment litigation in 2014: mostly more of the same

Much of the court caseloads in recent years has focused on class actions and collective actions prosecuted concerning wage-and-hour violations as opposed to discrimination, retaliation, harassment, or other civil rights claims. For over a decade, in… Read More

Walmart feeling the heat as winter approaches

This is typically the season to be merry for big box retailers like Walmart, which reap enormous profits at the end of each year. The world’s largest retailer, however, now faces a number of problems related to how it treats its employees. Only day… Read More

What is harassment?

Both Federal and State courts have adopted evolving definitions of what amounts to harassment in violation of civil rights and employment laws. Based on a series of decisions by the United States Supreme Court, the general understanding of harassment… Read More

Closing the courthouse doors?

In another example of legal maneuvering, lawyers representing employers and other defendants in civil matters are seeking to change the rules of the game so that it is more difficult to have one’s day in court. These corporate agents want to change… Read More

Immigration reform: short on details, long on consequences

With the re-election of Barack Obama as President, Washington, DC and much of the country have refocused attention on the nation’s broken immigration system. The renewed attention on how we should best address the presence of approximately 12 milli… Read More

Vital legal rights in the crosshairs

This term, the United States Supreme Court will decide a number of high-profile issues in civil rights and employment cases. Among the questions to be tackled by the Court include the validity and proper scope of voting rights protections. Given the… Read More

The de facto death of disparate impact in most age discrimination cases

The United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) recently promulgated regulations, 29 U.S.C. §§ 1625.1, et seq., concerning an affirmative defense that employers may use to defeat disparate impact discrimination claims brought… Read More