» integrated enterprise

Rampant child labor violations associated with prominent corporations underscore the need for coordinated enforcement

The United States Department of Labor (“DOL”) is currently investigating approximately 700 child labor cases around the country. In one such case, the DOL found that the corporation under investigation employed over 100 children across nearly 10… Read More

DOL moves employment law in right direction

On July 30, 2021, the United States Department of Labor (“DOL”) rescinded a rule adopted under the prior Federal administration that limited when more than one company is responsible for wage theft, employee misclassification, or other violations… Read More

Trump’s DOL and NLRB continue to pursue policies that evidently favor corporations over people

For starters, a little context is in order. During the Obama Administration, both the United States Department of Labor (“DOL”) and the National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB”) reinforced the legal standard for proving that two supposedly sepa… Read More

Converging efforts to shut down the corporate shell game

As the economy has become more globalized and volatile, a growing number of companies have sought to minimize liabilities while maximizing profits by using the corporate form to create supposed separation between closely related entities. This “sep… Read More